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True Prophet

True Prophets!
I have been thinking about true and false prophets and prophecy lately, and just read a couple books by recognized prophets in the Body of Christ. This verse kind of jumps out at me, so I’m posting it.

Ezekiel 33: (The Voice)
30 But you, son of man, your own people are talking about you everywhere—in the streets and at doorsteps—saying to their kinsmen, “Come listen to what Ezekiel is saying. He has a word from the Eternal.” 31 They come to you, just as people flock to see someone famous. My people sit at your feet and seem to hang on your every word, but they never apply those sacred instructions to their own lives. For they act as they speak—with lustful desire—and think only of how they’ll make a profit. 32 To them you are nothing more than a gifted singer of lustful songs, a teller of tales, a master of instruments! They hear what you say but fail to put any of it into practice. 33 But when the messages you’ve given them actually come true—and I assure you, everything you tell them is going to come true—they will realize a true prophet has been among them.

Quietly, daily, speak the voice of the Lord into the earth, and let Him shake that which His authority alone can shake…

Let’s Pray:
‘Father, I come before you today, and before You Jesus, God the Son, King of all the prophets, recognizing that the Spirit of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy. Jesus, lead me and guide me in all truth, and protect me from false prophets, shepherds, apostles, and those that would make merchandise of me, my gift, and my family. Bring into my life, present truth, and may I be rooted and grounded in Your Word and Your truth Father, that I not be led astray, in any way. In Your name, I pray, Lord Jesus, Amen!’