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The Place Where We Were Was Supernaturally Shaken!

Acts 4:31 When they finished praying, the place where they were meeting was shaken. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to proclaim God’s message with boldness.

Holy Spirit

Had this happen today. While pastor Richard fixed an elderly lady’s toilet, I visited with her and her grown daughter. She told me she was 87 years young, and had been faithfully serving the Lord all her life in her Baptist church. She had played the keyboard in her church, and she really loved Jesus, her children, and her grandchildren. So, before we packed up to leave, we decided to pray for one another. As I prayed for her, I literally felt the wind of God come into her dining room, and like a power surge out of my hand into hers while we prayer. I prayed ‘Fill her Holy Spirit, give her fresh oil, and reveal the fire of Your presence!’ She began to scream, and speak in other tongues, and pray for me and my family, and I failed to notice her daughter and pastor Richard run into the kitchen. The glory of God was so evident, I began to laugh in the joy of the Lord!


After we wished each other good-bye, Richard said: ‘Did you feel that when you prayed?’ “I sure did I exclaimed” He said ‘Did you hear what happened in the kitchen? I asked what he was talking about: He said that as we were praying, the house shook, so violently, that all the pots and plates in the kitchen began banging so loudly, that he and the woman’s daughter, ran in there to see what was going on. Everything was shaking supernaturally, making a loud clanging, that neither the woman or I even heard.

She insisted on having us sing with her: Heavenly Father, I appreciate you…’

Truly the final chapters of the book of Acts have yet to be written, and God is on the move in the United States of America.


Let’s Pray:

‘Father, we do appreciate you! Send Your power again. Come Holy Spirit, and breath Your love, Your power, presence, and passion. Fill us with fresh oil, new wine, the fire of Your love, in Your name I cry out Lord Jesus, Amen’