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Fresh Sin – Must meet fresh fire from the alter

fresh sin

There must be a fresh revelation of the fear of the Lord in the earth. People have lost the actual fear of sin, therefore they think there are no consequences for it. It pays, always, in death! Death to relationships, businesses, families, churches, and nations. You either kill it, or it will kill you. Bring back the cross!

Sin costs

1 Tim 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

Seems, the message inside of me, is becoming louder: Repent!

Truth seems to fall on the streets, people have lost their fear of the Lord. It is like I must cut through scar tissue to reveal the horrible infection within that is killing people.

Yet, I must preach truth, no matter how unpopular, Loving God is HATING Sin!

preach the word

Yes, Jesus really does love us, but He Hates sin. We must kill it, or it will surely kill us.

Ever wonder why your prayers are not getting answered like they used to?

Ever wonder why the Lord does not show up intimately like He used to in your prayer, praise and worship times?

Consider this verse:

Psalm 66:18

If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:

It’s like the old story about cooking the live frog. If you get the water boiling hot and throw him in, he jumps out. So, you put him in, and turn up the heat slowly. He gets comfortable, and viola! The water boils, and you have cooked yourself a frog.

cook a live frog

Exactly how deceptive sin becomes. Satan brings it subtly, gently turning up the heat in our lives, until we make that one fatal error, and our lives are cut short by tragedy, sickness, or calamity. Started off with small, almost insignificant compromises in the business of life, we compromise on purity of thought, our personal walk of holiness – the little white lie, the rationalization, the extra look at a seductive image on the internet, the extra movie or time in front of the television, the weekends in recreation instead of church, and the water be getting hotter around it, and we become comfortable with compromise;



It is called repentance!

Pray all night if you must. Get yourself away someplace and take a bath in the Word of God, listening to audio Bible for however many hours and days it takes to get cleansed, renewed, washed by the water of the word.

God does see our lives, all of them, and one day, the scariest words ever spoken by Jesus are:


Never on here, have I posted such a strong Word, yet I believe I have heard the heart of God to do so.

Yes, we in the last days. Perhaps this word finds you already far down the slippery slope of moral compromise, almost completely numb to the intensity of these truths.

There really is a straight and narrow way we might follow Jesus in.

There is a specific plan, purpose and design for your life, full of love, life, grace, and good things, but sin will destroy everything joyful, honorable, and holy in it!

Let’s pray:

‘Father, Creator of Heaven and earth, forgive me. Lord Jesus, wash me in Your precious blood. Holy Spirit, fill me, wash me, empower me to again hunger and thirst for righteousness. Open again to me Your Word, and make it alive to every dead area of my heart and weariness of my soul. I ask this, knowing I am heard and answered, for I ask in Your name Lord Jesus, AMEN.

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