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Get Your Ducks in a Row!

Get Your Ducks in Row!

Hab 2: 2 And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

Some time ago, I attended a ministers conference that was teaching us the importance of solidifying the vision and mandate that God had placed upon each of our lives, hosted by Brad Stine, and Blake Fite of Sanctuary Church. He gave the illustration of being stuck in traffic on Sheridan here in Tulsa, on the 4 lane section, with all 4 lanes stopped in both directions. He looked at the long line of traffic stopped in both directions, and saw the lights of a police cruiser up ahead, stopping traffic.

Thousands of tons of metal at a complete stop, with a policeman directing traffic?

As he peered off into the distance, to see what kind of accident or calamity had stopped traffic, he was amazed to see the policeman escorting a mother duck across traffic, with her ducklings in tow. She seemed oblivious to all the commotion her crossing was causing, but simply with great quacks, and purpose, she focused on keeping her ducklings moving in single file, to get them out of danger, and across the busy street.

Brad went on to say, that our particular vision, mandates, and goals needed be as focused as that mother ducks: all we have to do, to be successful in life and ministry, is to stay focused on our particular assignment from God, for our individual lives, keeping our ducks in a row. He will stop the world if needed to make way for our gift and calling…Yep, all we need to do, is keep our ducks in a row.

This is a cute story, but relevant. We can walk with Jesus, in a spirit-led, powerful life.

Let’s Pray:

Father, God, please reveal to me today, Your specific assignment for my life, and what I need to be doing today in order to accomplish it. Remove from me, the distractions, and things that I have added to the simplicity of what you have called me to do. I trust you to protect, provide, stop traffic, and send the laborers I need today, to get done, exactly what You have called me to do, in Your name I pray Lord Jesus, Amen
