Here’s a marriage and family counseling session:
- Seek Jesus first, every day. Do a yearly Bible reading plan. Put Him only above your spouse. Except the Lord build our house and family, all our work is meaningless.
Love your spouse, and deliberately stay in love. Let no child, work situation, or church situation get between you two. Marriage, your one flesh covenant before God, takes precedence over everything else.
- Love your children. Teach them right from wrong. Discover their gifts, and ‘the way they should go’, and get them help and teaching in their gifting s. Teach them to honor the other the parent, and to obey Jesus, and parents. If your spouse is doing wrong, or asking the children to sin against the Lord, stand with Jesus, in love, prayerfully seeking Him to instruct and correct the offending person, while you walk in honor. Children must be taught to obey their parents, first time, always, and if discipline is needed, then both parents should support each other in it. Never allow a child to play one parent against the other. Never use children as a pawn in conflict with each other, nor poison them against your spouse, even if you are divorced.
- Go to church. If you have to check out 50 of them until you find the one that is right for your family, attending a different one every weekend, find a church home, and get planted there. Pay your tithes, support missions, and love the poor.
- Work, and grow in your education. The best gift you can give this life, is a better you. Work, contribute, increase, and continue to study, apply, and grow in your gift and vocation. Do not settle nor compromise, but press towards the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
- Eat healthy, and get or stay in shape.
For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God‘s.
Most health problems can be eliminated by enough sleep, clean water, healthy food, and decent vitamins and supplements.
- Have fun! Laugh a lot! I laugh most at myself and the stupid mistakes I make, and have learned to forgive quickly, and ask God’s forgiveness just as quickly. One third of of the kingdom of God is JOY. It is difficult victoriously serving the Lord, but joyful. Learn to laugh at adversity, and to pray and receive grace as you go, but GO you must…It is His command, not His suggestion.
If you need prayer: