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The Legend of the Cedars

The Mystery of the Cedars

The Legend of the Altar

Cedar is an amazing creation of God, in that inside each particular piece of wood is a unique grain pattern of red and white wood, comprised of intertwined grains that create a beauty, in each piece of wood. In the Bible, cedar was used for worship, and in the construction of the temple and the king’s palace:

Worship and royalty!

When we did protocol gifts in Washington, DC this year at All Tribes DC, I felt impressed to write this word and attach it to each cedar closet bag we made:


This speaks to me of the beautiful work of love, respect, and honor, that God can create, when red and white people work together to build God’s kingdom….

The testimony of ‘The Carpenter…’

A structure was desired for outdoor worship and ministry.
The design came, influenced by the Holy Spirit.
I learned that a 12’ x 30’ amphitheatre had long been a desire and prayed for by the leaders of Window Rock Church of God. I was impressed by the declaration of peace and forgiveness of past wrongs their people had suffered. (





I was intrigued by these people and their effort to obey and submit to God’s Word.

It is time we all make efforts to unite and stand together as one people. It is time to reject divisions and resentments.

This type of outdoor structure is my specialty. I had been asking the Lord about the large amounts of cedar beams that I was blessed to have in my possession.

My question, “Lord, why are these here? You must have a plan?”

The Lord spoke to my heart and said, “It is because you are gifted to know what to do with them. Use and sell all you can, and later I will talk to you about what would please Me.”

I knew the day would come for a very special assignment, as I walked among the truck loads of cedar beams and talked to the Holy Spirit about them.

The time came. An amphitheater was requested and needed. This structure would be used for ministry by Native Americans. I remembered the host people and the early days of their kindness to the white settlers.

Hearing past stories of crimes and injustices on both sides, my heart was glad as they gathered the tribes to pray, forgive, and ask for reconciliation. Men can pray and obey, but it takes a divine miracle from God to bring reconciliation and healing.

I believed the Father would have me do something to bless people and speak for Him. So I sought Him, and He spoke to me:

“Build this structure with the abundance of what I have given you. I will direct your steps and the plan. You will select the right materials for the task and specific beams that I will show you. The old will be used. The worn and grey will also be used.”

Cracks from drying and aged wood will add beauty and character. Many of these had been rejected because of slight damage and injuries from careless handling. For one reason or another, all had been rejected by retail customers. These trees had been cut down, rejected and neglected. God would direct the carpenter on how to select, fashion, and fit together these special timbers into a handiwork, a special gift to speak to the Navajo people. It was His gift to acknowledge their request for reconciliation.

This gift was to preach and declare that the workmanship of God can take the wounded, the old, the broken, the rejected and neglected and raise them up into something strong, beautiful, and productive, something worthy of service to the Creator. Unity brings praise, worship and strength. Like people, God had redemption for the cedars. They were to be raised up from where they lay discarded in death, raised up and fit together to stand strong and declare the goodness of God and His redemption for all creation.

(Romans 8:19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.
20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,
21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.)

This work would be people of different cultures and races coming together, putting hearts and hands together to build unity and brotherly love. Many hands worked to build, some prayed, others cooked, some labored, all in unity.

After returning home, God spoke to me about the design and why He had me change it. The original plan was one long structure. Instead of one structure, it would be easier and stronger to build two smaller structures and connect them. This would provide a large center platform for ministry.

The design was changed. Each structure had two long beams that reached out toward the other structure, like outstretched arms that do not quite meet. The connection would come from above, supported by large beams that form a cross. These connections would rest on these outstretched beams. It would speak of the reconciliation of two nations and two people, something only God could do.

cedar cross

The deck below represents willing hands working together to build a platform of ministry. White hands and red hands, there is no difference. A platform upon which we stand together and declare the goodness of God our Creator united to worship and serve.

As you stand before the structure and look up, you will see a large cross. It supports and connects the overhead beams that connect two structures.

The final gift of God was also born on a cross, betrayed and rejected of men, like the cedars of this structure. Someone else commented the five large overhead beams represent the five-fold ministry gifts to the church.

What do you see?
What do you hear?
What will you do?
What is your part?
Is God speaking to you?
Will you accept His Gift?

There are just two simple parts to receiving His Gift. The first part is a simple decision to believe, to believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. The second part is what you say from that belief, that Jesus is Lord, placing Him in His rightful place in your heart, as your personal Lord, your God.
The prayer is simple, “Lord, I believe that You raised Jesus from the dead. I ask that Jesus be Lord of my life. Please forgive me for all the wrong things that I have done. Please fill me with Your Spirit and receive me into Your Kingdom. In Your name I pray Lord Jesus, Amen!”

This is my worship, my offering, a privilege to serve and obey….

The Carpenter