The purpose of this Blog:
When my friend, Robert Shaeffer asked me to join a Facebook group for the cast of the church play, I asked: ‘What is Facebook?’
I had no idea of the power of Social Media, to stay connected with friends, family, and ministers around the world. Over the years, what began as a fun hobby, has developed into an international ministry, that is growing daily, as I bathe it in prayer, and stay faithful to what God has called me to do. This is the direction I believe I am to follow on this page.
0. To encourage us to seek first God, through Jesus, every morning, and through-out our day in everything. If you don’t yet know Him, or have wandered away somehow, please read this:
1. To encourage us to read through the Bible together every year. I currently use
2. To encourage my friends in the things of the kingdom of God, by posting quips,quotes, and devotional materials to encourage us to actually believe what we are reading that day, and to apply it to our lives through action, and prayer.
3. To encourage five fold ministry to keep on keeping on, faithfully in the call God has placed upon your lives.
4. To facilitate, wherever possible the pioneering of Bible Schools, to raise up train and equip leaders in their country in the Word of God. I do this by simply referring people to Victory Christian Center in Tulsa, OK. Presently, Victory has established over 1600 International Bible schools in 100 countries, that graduate 27,000 students each year. This number is growing monthly, with a vision to host 10,000 schools! The curriculum has been filmed and is available in video format in many languages, and translators are currently working on getting it translated into many more. The IVBI program is an incredible force for Jesus in the earth!
If you are willing to host a Bible school, please read this article:
Or simply contact Victory directly:
5. To field prayer requests. God is a good God, and satan is a bad devil. Hard things sometimes happen to good people. Jesus is the answer, never the problem. Daily, people inbox me prayer requests, and I spend the first several hours of my day, seeking first the kingdom of God, and believing for God’s best, each day for all of my friends on Social Media.
Prayer Requests: If you or your family need specific prayer for anything, please send us a prayer request. We as a family will pray for you today, and if you would, please let us know the wonderful ways God answers. This is a great encouragement to us.
6. To raise awareness and support for charitable purposes. We take many missions trips as a family, and these cost money. We also support an orphanage in Karimnager, India that urgently needs everything. $50 there goes a long way to simply feeding and clothing the 10 children currently living in a tin shed, and I cannot claim to love Jesus, and do nothing for orphans and the suffering in our midst.
God loves you, and so do I!
As I have thought more about this, I thought it would be good if I included the links and telephone numbers of other tremendous prayer movements in the earth.
To listen in on a prayer meeting that goes 24 hours day, join live:
If you would like to speak with a prayer partner: Call 918-495-7777,
Victory: (918) 496-0700
Rhema Prayer Line: The lines are open Monday – Friday, 8:15 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (CT). Just call (918) 258-1588, ext 5566, to speak with your Prayer Partner.
CBN: 1-800-823-6053
I am a missionary, called to take the good news of Jesus to the nations of the world. Presently, I study in seminary at Oral Roberts University.
As I have thought about the ministries above:
If you need a great home church please consider Rhema, Victory, or IHOP, or if you like a tiny church, come to the one I attend: Harvest Family Church (AG)
If you are called to ministry please consider attending Bible college at: Victory Bible College, or Rhema (where I and my wife graduated!)
If you are considering a university, please contact Oral Roberts University, or Regent, places that include Jesus in all their studies.
Keep Smiling!
Jesus is Lord!
Chris Walsh
If you led by Holy Spirit to donate to AOMMinistries, please use the following Paypal link, to help us do our part in growing the kingdom of God through our various works:
Donate on-line:
We are full time missionaries, and Jesus has the whole world on His mind. He has no plan B in the gospel, it is either Pack, Pay, or Pray. Either Pack, and come with us on a missions trip, Make a Donation so that we can keep going, or write our names down on your daily prayer list, and pray for us to stay strong and fully obedient to Holy Spirit in all of our endeavors.