Hello everyone,
Walsh Family Update
Blog Update
Book Update
Volunteer Opportunity – Banquet
Prayer Request: Financial Needs
Another month has come and gone, in this life and life more abundantly chapter of our lives!
Living on the edge, no home, no fixed address, trusting Jesus for every meal, and daily direction. Some days, this is easy, but others, it involves some long, long hours in prayer, arising after midnight when children are sleeping, then praying until 6Am when the house explodes into action!
So, I pray for you, your families, the nations, for Victory, for the First Nations peoples, for the United States, trusting God to undertake and do for people, places, governments, and ministries that which we cannot do for ourselves.
It’s all about His grace, His mercy and power made available through Spirit-led prayer.
It seems that prayer is the primary, if not the sole work of the ministry, service is simply the reaping of it’s results.
So what am I doing? What are the results?
Praying! Often eight hours per day, in the Holy Spirit, for you, and more importantly America, and the gospel.
I am publishing the Word of God, on every available Media God opens the door.
The WordPress Blog is on around 10 Social Media sites daily, and it is amazing to me, how far and fast God Himself has broadcast it! Reports come in daily from around the world, testimonies, comments, prayer requests, telling how these articles and now books, continue to bless, empower, equip, deliver, and change lives for the better. Presently, stats tell me this is going out to 100,000 people. Just like we needed tools as a carpentry company, to do our job, I need to purchase the upgrade to this blog-site, costs $100/year.
There are over 800 articles up there already, but to be truthful, in the year, though they were filled with revelation, and passionate words from heaven, they were not articulated as well as they need to be, nor illustrated. While the Lord continually gives me fresh words from heaven, much of what has already been given needs to be reworked and breathed upon again in prayer.
Then He said to them, “Therefore every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old.”
Why publish the Word? Here are some great words penned many years ago, by noteworthy missionary evangelist, Dr. T.L. Osborne: https://chrisaomministries.wordpress.com/2015/01/05/why-publish-the-word-of-god/
One day, as Jay was working on homeschool, he looked across the room to where I was writing, and came over to me and said: ‘Dad, are you alright?’
‘Sure son,’ I replied, as I descended out of the zone for a minute to answer him.
He placed his hand upon my forehead, dripping with sweat, and said: ‘Dad! You are sweating!’
Seems the raw intensity of the subject matter I was writing had caused me to break into a deep sweat…
Such is the nature of inspired writing, I feel like a pen in the hand of Jesus. Lying on the desk, I am a helpless article of clutter. Yet, when He picks me up, and begins to breath through my life, incredibly deep truths flow, and miracles happen…
Yet, when He is done, I’m back to humanity, with my feet of clay, struggling to be a dad, a father, a husband, to make sense of the insanely brutal living circumstances we have endured to obey Him….
Yet, the apostle Paul wrote in prison chains, so did John Bunyan, as he penned the immortal ‘Pilgrim’s progress’. Jesus, God’s own Son, was born in a stable, and so the gospel is birthed in humility. Great things come from hard places sometimes.
All that really matters to me, is hearing from the lips of Jesus, each morning, clearly, what He wants done, and at the end of each day, His thank-you for a job well done…

Book Updates:
Parable of the Sower – I have been given an opportunity with a national publisher, who is willing to guarantee this book become a best seller, for a cost of $5000.00. I need $1000.00 deposit, and $4000, over the following 3 months to make this happen. I need your help.
Worship – Not Just a Song: http://www.amazon.com/Worship-Just-Song-Christopher-Walsh/dp/1502875519/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1423242792&sr=1-1&keywords=worship+not+just+a+song is out!
I have received the first 40 copies, and given them out to pastors, leaders, friends, and people I respect. It is my desire to mail 50 copies to Siv Adoks in Nigeria, to that he can distribute them to leaders, with the intent of doing a book launch there at some later date.
Welcome To the Grand Illusion – A Prophetic Prayer Strategy to Take America Back! – Very tough project! While I have registered the title and obtained my ISBN number, the section on native Americans , the main key. It is now complete, and has been brutal to write! https://chrisaomministries.wordpress.com/2014/07/03/the-first-nations-mandate/
Now, to stay focused on the brutal work of editing and publishing.
The Legend of SnaggleTooth Scar – The SilverFin Chronicles – This is the book Keila and I are working on together, We have written a rough draft of the story, but she wants to rewrite as more of a ‘tweener’ theme (ages 10-13) instead of children. https://chrisaomministries.wordpress.com/2015/02/18/silverfin-chronicles-the-legend-of-snaggle-tooth-scar/
The goal is to have these next two books published and available for distribution at our banquet April 30th.
I believe that we are seeing the United States experience the great move of Holy Spirit that we who love Jesus all long, hunger and thirst for. God is not done with America yet, despite ISIS, Islam, the homosexual agenda, and the incredible treachery, and betrayals of trust we currently see in leadership, God is moving deeply across this land.
The verse given to America’s founding father’s in choosing the three branches of government, has now become a prophetic statement, that God Almighty will fulfill.
Isaiah 33:22(NIV)
22 For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; it is he who will save us.
Jesus is the answer for America, and He will save this nation from her stupid, stubborn, and willful ways.
Here is a simple flyer for our upcoming annual banquet. (https://chrisaomministries.wordpress.com/2015/02/07/aomministries-annnual-missions-banquet-thursday-april-30th-2015/)
I expect 60 people this year. We are doing it at Golden Corral, and it costs $17/person. If anyone would like to sponsor all or part of this event, so that guest can eat for free, I would love to hear from you. Should cost between $1200-$1500 for printing, meals, and equipment rental. (Need speakers and two or three mikes, if you know anyone that may be able to supply them for the evening.
Volunteer Opportunity: If you would like to help as an usher, greeter, intercessor, telephone, MC, or in any other capacity during this year’s banquet, please email me.
Prayer Requests:
So, here are our needs:
- Our own home. We NEED a place to live, where we can unpack our stuff, currently in storage.
- Tires, tune-up, locks and ignitions fixed on the Jeep.
- A second telephone – Tough to communicate with one phone shared by the whole family.
- Regular monthly support – Insurance, phone, gas, food etc still cost money each month.
- SongSelect – Jay needs access to music lead sheets as he continues to learn more praise and worship. They tell me they charge $250/year.
- WordPress upgrade: $100.00
- Another laptop. We homeschool using EpicCharterSchools. While this gives us the ability to travel, the children do a good chunk of their schooling on-line. We have two laptops, but I am glued to one, leaving three people sharing the other.
- 50 copies of new book shipped to Nigeria: $300.00
- Sponsors for Banquet.(Really want to pay everyone’s meals $1200)
- Favor with Publisher, ($5000, One Thousand of which is due immediately) and strength, and grace to complete next two books.
For prayer, comments, or to donate online:
Email: [email protected]
Donate on-line: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=95XHSDDXDS7MC
Give in faith!
1 Corinthians 9:11 If we have sown [the seed of] spiritual good among you, [is it too] much if we reap from your material benefits?
1 Corinthians 9:14 [On the same principle] the Lord directed that those who publish the good news (the Gospel) should live (get their maintenance) by the Gospel.
Paul goes on to say, that he did not use his position as a minister of the gospel to take up offerings, rather he worked, making tents, to support himself. You might notice here, that Paul was not married, nor did he have children. Family responsibilities take time, and just as you bust a move on your job to provide for your family, I work every bit as hard, doing this, faithful to the Lord in prayer and the ministry of His Word, to you.
I will never charge for this: it my responsibility to God, my calling. Freely I have been given, now, I freely give…
As you give, hear Holy Spirit what to give, and honestly expect God to reward you for your giving.
Matt 10: 41 He who receives and welcomes and accepts a prophet because he is a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward, and he who receives and welcomes and accepts a righteous man because he is a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward. 42 And whoever gives to one of these little ones [in rank or influence] even a cup of cold water because he is My disciple, surely I declare to you, he shall not lose his reward.
I am a five-fold ministry gift and office – this is my life – I pray, I hear, I write, and wonderful things happen. You have your job description, I have mine – this is mine….
I have ‘see through’ faith for you, in this: Gal 3: 9 So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.
I believe I have a responsibility before God to be like Jesus, in every offering I receive. I receive it with thanksgiving, just like Jesus did the little boys lunch.
Then, because I walk and live by faith according to the blessing of Abraham, I believe that God will take your seed sown, and multiply it, according to what the blessing of Abraham promises:
Genesis 22:17 In blessing I will bless you and in multiplying I will multiply your descendants like the stars of the heavens and like the sand on the seashore. And your Seed (Heir) will possess the gate of His enemies
It has been a joy to me, to see the hand of the living God act in the lives of those of you who have supported us this year!
Many have seen tremendous blessing come into your households, and for this we give thanks, and give Jesus all the glory!